Holds information is emailed, as appropriate, to students weekly on Sunday.
Please check your Stallions email account for the hold(s) on your account and the effective date. The below information serves as guidance.
1. Final High School Transcript (01) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please be sure that you have requested your final official transcript to be sent electronically to ABAC Registrar at registrar@abac.edu. Fax is not official.
If you have previously sent a transcript with courses in progress, you will need to have another transcript sent to ABAC with final grades posted or courses dropped.
If you did not attend, please request a letter of non-attendance to be sent electronically to ABAC Registrar at registrar@abac.edu. Fax is not official.
~Blocks Registration
2. College Transcript (02) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please be sure that you have requested your final official transcript to be sent electronically to ABAC Registrar at registrar@abac.edu. Fax is not official.
If you have previously sent a transcript with courses in progress, you will need to have another transcript sent to ABAC with final grades posted or courses dropped.
If you did not attend, please request a letter of non-attendance to be sent electronically to ABAC Registrar at registrar@abac.edu. Fax is not official.
~Blocks Registration
3. GED Scores (03) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please have your official scores sent electronically to registrar@abac.edu or postal mail to ABAC Registrar, ABAC Box 7, 2802 Moore Hwy, Tifton, GA 31793.
~Blocks Registration
4. SAT/ACT Scores (04) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please have your official scores sent electronically to registrar@abac.edu or postal mail to ABAC Registrar, ABAC Box 7, 2802 Moore Hwy, Tifton, GA 31793.
~Blocks Registration
5. Need Address Info (07) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please log into Banner from MyABAC to update your postal address.
~Blocks Registration
6. Must Update Application (08) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Admissions at 229-391-5001 or admissions@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
7. Accuplacer Scores (09) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
~Blocks Registration
8. Advisor Enable Registration (AD) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
~Blocks Registration
9. Application Fee (AF) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Student Accounts at 229-391-4924 or studentaccounts@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
10. Athletic Department Hold (AH) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Athletics at 229-391-4930 or athletics@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
11. Please send official AP Scores (AP) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please have your official scores sent electronically to registrar@abac.edu or postal mail to ABAC Registrar, ABAC Box 7, 2802 Moore Hwy, Tifton, GA 31793.
12. Academic Support (AS) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Academic Support at 229-391-4995 or ASC@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
13. See Bookstore (BK) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Stallion Shop (Bookstore) at 229-391-4825 or bookstore@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
14. Bankruptcy on file (BR) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
~Blocks Registration
15. Fin Agree Auth (Age 18+) (CC) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
How to Complete the Financial Authorization Agreement in Banner
~Blocks Registration
16. Collections (CO) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Student Accounts at 229-391-4924 or studentaccounts@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
17. Curr Used w/ Course Descr (CU) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
~Blocks Registration
18. Conversion Verification Hold (CV) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Registrar at 229-391-5007 or registrar@abac.edu.
19. Delinquent Fed Loan (DL) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Financial Aid at 229-391-4910 or finaid@abac.edu.
20. Dept of Education (ED) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Financial Aid at 229-391-4910 or finaid@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
21. Citizenship Documents (FP) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
International Documentation
~Blocks Registration
22. Proof of Georgia Residency (GR) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Admissions at 229-391-5001 or admissions@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
23. Housing Charges $1-$29.99 (HC) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Housing at 229-391-5140 or housing@abac.edu.
24. Housing Charges $30+ (HD) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Housing at 229-391-5140 or housing@abac.edu.
25. Health Center Supplies (HE) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Health Center at 229-391-5030 or healthcenter@abac.edu
~Blocks Registration
26. HOPE Funds due (HP) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Student Accounts at 229-391-4924 or studentaccounts@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
27. Freshman Residency Requirement (HR) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Freshman Residency Requirement
~Blocks Registration
28. Final Home School Docs (HS) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Admissions at 229-391-5001 or admissions@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
29. Immunization 1 (I1) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Health Center at 229-391-5030 or healthcenter@abac.edu
~Blocks Registration
30. Immunization 2 (I2) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Health Center at 229-391-5030 or healthcenter@abac.edu
~Blocks Registration
31. Immunization 3 (I3) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Health Center at 229-391-5030 or healthcenter@abac.edu
~Blocks Registration
32. Immunization 4 (I4) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Health Center at 229-391-5030 or healthcenter@abac.edu
~Blocks Registration
33. Immunization 5 (I5) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Health Center at 229-391-5030 or healthcenter@abac.edu
~Blocks Registration
34. Incomplete High School Transcr (IC) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
~Blocks Registration
35. Owes for Student ID/Gold Card (ID) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Student Accounts at 229-391-4924 or studentaccounts@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
36. Translated Final High School (IF) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
~Blocks Registration
37. Incomplete Home School Docs (IH) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
~Blocks Registration
38. Translated Incomplete High Sch (II) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
~Blocks Registration
39. Immunization (IM) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Health Center at 229-391-5030 or healthcenter@abac.edu
40. Need Financial Support Docs (IN) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Financial Aid at 229-391-4910 or finaid@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
41. June 1st Deadline (J1) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Student Accounts at 229-391-4924 or studentaccounts@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
42. Letter of Intent to Homeschool (LI) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
~Blocks Registration
43. Verification of Lawful Presenc (LP) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Verification of Lawful Presence
~Blocks Registration
44. Charge for Medication <$30 (MC) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Health Center at 229-391-5030 or healthcenter@abac.edu
45. Charge for Medication $30+ (MD) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Health Center at 229-391-5030 or healthcenter@abac.edu
46. Certificate of Immunization (MF) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Certification of Immunization
~Blocks Registration
47. Med Form - Incomplete Info (MI) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Health Center at 229-391-5030 or healthcenter@abac.edu
~Blocks Registration
48. Military (ML) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Student Accounts at 229-391-4924 or studentaccounts@abac.edu.
49. Miscellaneous (MS) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
50. Music Fees $30+ (MU) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Student Accounts at 229-391-4924 or studentaccounts@abac.edu.
51. Payment Plan Block (NA) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
52. Housing Complete-Informational (NH) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Housing complete - Informational only.
53. Neighbor Waiver Petition (NP) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Neighbor Waiver Petition
54. Parent Financial Agreement Aut (PA) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Create an Account to Complete the Parent Financial Agreement in Banner
~Blocks Registration
55. PreCollection(30 days fr date) (PC) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
~Blocks Registration
56. Student Has Account Balance (PQ) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Ways to Pay
~Blocks Registration
57. Account Balance - Can Register (PS) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Ways to Pay
58. Return Check (RC) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Student Accounts at 229-391-4924 or studentaccounts@abac.edu.
59. Return Check Payment Plan (RP) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Student Accounts at 229-391-4924 or studentaccounts@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
60. Dean of Students (SA) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Dean of Students at 229-391-5129 or studentresources@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
61. Session B Term (SB) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
62. Need SSN Documentation (SN) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please provide a copy of your social security card or a signed statement that you have no social security number. Using your Stallions email account, please send to ABAC Registrar at registrar@abac.edu. Fax is not official.
63. State Residency (SR) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact GAResidency@abac.edu.
64. Title IX Offense (T9) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
~Blocks Registration
65. TAP (TA) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
~Blocks Registration
66. Tuberculin Skin Test (TB) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Health Center at 229-391-5030 or healthcenter@abac.edu
~Blocks Registration
67. Transient Permission (TP) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please be sure that your official transient permission letter is sent electronically to ABAC Registrar at registrar@abac.edu. Fax is not official.
~Blocks Registration
68. Write Off (WO) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact Student Accounts at 229-391-4924 or studentaccounts@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
69. No Communications (ZZ) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
Please contact ABAC Registrar at 229-391-5007 or registrar@abac.edu.
~Blocks Registration
Note: Notice the hold effective date; some holds become effective in the future.
Holds information NOT emailed to students weekly on Sunday.
The following holds are not sent to students.
1. Athletic 12 Credit Hour Min (AC) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
2. Banned from Campus (BC) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
3. Ask (Bus. Office) (DM) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
4. MOWR-Contact Admissions (MR) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
5. Do NOT Accept Checks (NC) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
6. Documented No SSN (SS) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)
7. Transient student-one term (TS) (Hold effective 02/07/2025)